English Synonyms MCQ’s Series Practice Test 16 November 9, 2023 No Comments /10 English_ SynonymsPractice Test 16 1 / 10CEASE: Create Stop Begin Dull 2 / 10MASSIVE: Little Gaping Strong Lump sum 3 / 10PIOUS: Sympathetic Religious Afraid Faithful 4 / 10STUMBLING BLOCK: Advantage Frustration Argument Hurdle 5 / 10ABANDON : Keep Cherish Forsake Enlarge 6 / 10FOSTERING : Neglecting Nurturing Ignoring Safeguarding 7 / 10PROPEL: Burst Acclimatize Jettison Drive 8 / 10GERMINATE : Produce Breed Decay Sprout 9 / 10CANCEL: Abolish Allow Approve Break 10 / 10DEFER : Differ Defy Postpone Indifferent For more Quiz updates ! Give you Name & Contact info. Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart quiz Read More Practice Test 15 November 9, 2023 No Comments /100 English_ SynonymsPractice Test 15 1 / 100FOMENT : Isolation Abrasion Provoke Extirpate 2 / 100EXPONENT : Meddler Horrid Cancel Advocate 3 / 100YOB: Aggressive Annoyed Intelligent Humble 4 / 100SEE : Stand Talk Look Observe 5 / 100INEXPLICABLE Unaccountable Chaotic Unconnected Confusing 6 / 100DIVERSION Bylane Amusement Deviation Arrival 7 / 100INSTALLED : Started Prepared Settled Manufactured 8 / 100GOAD : Save Irritate Soothe Worship 9 / 100Diversion : Deviation Distortion Change Amusement 10 / 100AUGUST Common Petty Ridiculous Dignified 11 / 100ABJECT Deny Disobey Challenge Miserable 12 / 100NEUTRAL Indifferent Undecided Unbiased Non-aligned 13 / 100INDICT Condemn Accuse Reprimand Allege 14 / 100GRAPHIC : Instructive Moving Obvious Timid 15 / 100ALACRITY : Alarm Frankness Briskness Fear 16 / 100PACIFY : Allot Gather Calm Remit 17 / 100LAMENT Condone Complain Comment Console 18 / 100MOVING Taking Shifting Toying Turning 19 / 100FICTION : Imaginary Tamed Novel Wildness 20 / 100DUPLICITY : Cleverness Deceit Artlessness Repetition 21 / 100RESTRAINT Hindrance Obstacle Repression Restriction 22 / 100TIMID Medium Shy Slow Fast 23 / 100PROHIBIT : Prescribe Forfeit Provide Forbid 24 / 100IRONIC Bitter Sarcastic Good-natured Inflexible 25 / 100PASS : Elongated Qualify Cross Die 26 / 100ATTEMPT Explore Serve Try Explain 27 / 100CORPULENT Obese Emaciated Gaunt Lean 28 / 100CONSEQUENCES Results Difficulties Applications Conclusions 29 / 100IMPROVEMENT Betterment Preference Promotion Advancement 30 / 100BROWSE Heal Examine Deceive Strike 31 / 100BRIEF Short Small Limited Little 32 / 100HAGGLE: Accept Reject Postpone Bargain 33 / 100REPEAL Pass Perpetuate Sanction Cancel 34 / 100PIOUS Devout Pure Pretentious Clean 35 / 100EMBEZZLE Misappropriate Balance Clear Remunerate 36 / 100DILIGENT Brilliant Progressive Inventive Hard-working 37 / 100SECURITY : Safety Confidence Fearlessness Boldness 38 / 100WRETCHED: Strained Foolish Insane Poor 39 / 100ESSENTIAL : Desirable Advisable Unavoidable Beneficial 40 / 100ADVERSITY Misfortune Crisis Failure Helplessness 41 / 100RESCUE Command Save Help Defence 42 / 100ECSTATIC Animated Willful Enraptured Bewildered 43 / 100REDRESSED : Restored Redone Equalised Addressed 44 / 100CONTENTMENT : Craving Craftiness Satisfaction Idleness 45 / 100VENT End Stodge Past Opening 46 / 100RECKLESS Rash Courageous Daring Bold 47 / 100ALERT Intelligent Watchful Observant Energetic 48 / 100COMPASSION : Similarity Kindness Contrast Cruelty 49 / 100FORAY Contest Intuition Ranger Maraud 50 / 100BITTERNESS : Hoarseness Acrimony Aspersion Sourness 51 / 100STUPID : Obstinate Illiterate Rude Dull 52 / 100CONTAIN : Hold Express Prevent Limit 53 / 100ANNIHILATE : Entrain Destroy testify Forward 54 / 100DELECTABLE: Delicious Enjoyable Sumptuous Nobel 55 / 100BARE Tolerate Uncovered Neat Clear 56 / 100FAKE Original Loyal Trustworthy Imitation 57 / 100HARBINGER Messenger Forerunner Pilot Steward 58 / 100IMPERCEPTIBLE : Subtle Mean Obvious Humble 59 / 100FEEBLE Sick Weak Arrogant Vain 60 / 100STERILE : Childless Dry Barren None of these 61 / 100RECUPERATE : Recover Rehabilitate Relocate Reimburse 62 / 100SALACITY Recession Bliss Indecency Depression 63 / 100BUSY : Preoccupied Occupied Active Diligent 64 / 100AUGURY: Future Astronomy Intention Prophecy 65 / 100FORTITUDE : Protection Courage Similarity Safety 66 / 100TRANSIENT Fanciful Transparent Fleeting Feeble 67 / 100INEBRIATE Stupefied Unsteady Dreamy Drunken 68 / 100EVENTUALLY : Suddenly Quickly Abruptly Ultimately 69 / 100Synopsis : Mixture Summary Puzzle Index 70 / 100VANGUARD : Race driver Pioneer Officer Flag bearer 71 / 100INADVERTENT : Unexpected Undisturbed Unintentional Ignorant 72 / 100AWAKENED : Briefed Shook Enlightened Realized 73 / 100PALTRY : Average Insignificant Slovenly Unfair 74 / 100CANDID Bright Explicit Frank Apparent 75 / 100DEIFY Flatter Face Worship Challenge 76 / 100FUGITIVE : Weak Enduring Escaping Vain 77 / 100INFREQUENT Rare Usual Sometimes Never 78 / 100VENUE Agenda Place Duration Time 79 / 100DILIGENT : Disappointment Unhappy Fool Hardworking 80 / 100SHOWY : Rowdy Greedy Gaudy Hungry 81 / 100ALTERCATION : Distribution Choice Charge Heated dispute 82 / 100DISTANT Separate Far Removed Reserved 83 / 100HESITATED Paused Slowed Stopped Postponed 84 / 100CATER : Advance Discover Provide Develop 85 / 100UTILITY : Usefulness Advantage Profitability Benefit 86 / 100ADMONISH Reprimand Dismiss Curse Punish 87 / 100SHALLOW Artificial Superficial Worthless Foolish 88 / 100DIELECTRIC : Nonconductor Constructive Destructive Instructive 89 / 100ABSTRUSE: Awful Profound Irrelevant Shallow 90 / 100PREDOMINANT : Lovable Important Assurance Vague 91 / 100CANNY Clever Stout Obstinate Handsome 92 / 100STERILE Childless Dry Fertile Barren 93 / 100INSOLVENT Bankrupt Broke Penniless Poor 94 / 100LIBERAL : Visionary Generous Imaginative Broad-minded 95 / 100MELD Purchase Glisten Merge Soothe 96 / 100FIDELITY : Weakness Resourcefulness Faithfulness Strength 97 / 100TURN : Curve Rotate Move Shift 98 / 100WARRIOR Spy Pirate Soldier Sailor 99 / 100EXTRICATE Pull Free Complicate Tie 100 / 100DISPARAGE : Scatter Discriminate Waste Belittle For more Quiz updates ! Give you Name & Contact info. Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart quiz Read More Practice Test 14 November 9, 2023 No Comments /100 English_ SynonymsPractice Test 14 1 / 100UNITE Combine Unchain Unfold Unhinge 2 / 100LAUD Eulogy Extolled Praise Lord 3 / 100DESTITUTION Humility Poverty Moderation Wealthy 4 / 100The tablet alleviated the pain, and the patient was soon feeling much better. moderated removed mitigated lightened 5 / 100In spite of their efforts, the team of scientists could not make much headway to solve the problem. thinking progress efforts start 6 / 100RABBLE Noise Roar Rubbish Mob 7 / 100GARRULITY Credulity Speciousness Loquaciousness Senility 8 / 100TACITURNITY Changeableness Reserve Dumbness Hesitation 9 / 100MAYHEM Excitement Defeat Havoc Jubilation 10 / 100ABUNDANT Absent Cheap Plenty Ripe 11 / 100ASCEND Grow Mount Leap Deviate 12 / 100Public figures should not indulge in mud-slinging. caricatures quarrelling slander mockery 13 / 100The thief outwitted the constable on some pretext and disappeared on the way to the police station. outmanoeuvred cheated prudent defeated 14 / 100The recent acts of vandalism in the country cannot be ignored. provocation violence ravage disturbance 15 / 100The notice said that the meeting would begin precisely at 9.30 AM. exactly inaccurately approximately concisely 16 / 100ERROR Misadventure Misgiving Blunder Ambiguity 17 / 100Whatever opinion he give is sane. arrogant obscure wild rational 18 / 100Many species of animals have become extinct during the last hundred years. aggressive non-existent feeble scattered 19 / 100VORACIOUS Quick Greedy Angry Wild 20 / 100ENTIRE Whole Half Part Quarter 21 / 100I don't like alien fashions. foreign extraneous exotic unusual 22 / 100GARNISH Garner Abuse Paint Adorn 23 / 100As the driver was inebriated he could not control the car. befuddled intoxicated inexperienced tired 24 / 100After the dismal performance of the team in the series concluded yesterday, the captain offered his resignation to the president of the club. poor sorrowful short miserly 25 / 100INTIMIDATE Hint Bluff Harass Frighten 26 / 100TEPID Warm Cold Boiling Hot 27 / 100Even today many people are guided by abstruse moral values. dangerous irrational obscure impracticable 28 / 100The pioneers left a blazing trial of courage, manliness and chivalry. explorers inventors settlers colonialist 29 / 100LYNCH Madden Shoot Kill Hang 30 / 100The visitor had a bohemian look. unfriendly unconventional sinister hostile 31 / 100GRATIFY Indulge Appreciate Frank Pacify 32 / 100ZANY Thief Pet Clown Magician 33 / 100That young is quite sanguine about the result of his competitive examination. depressed anxious pessimistic optimistic 34 / 100Instead of putting up a united front against on common enemy, the medieval states frittered away their energy in internecine warfare. baneful pernicious detrimental destructive 35 / 100On scrutiny the police officer found out that the documents provided by the landlord were totally fabricated. forged genuine prepared historical 36 / 100INSOMNIA Sleeplessness Lethargy Drunkenness Unconsciousness 37 / 100PONDER Increase Think Anticipate Evaluate 38 / 100The accident occurred due to his lapse. haste error ignorance carelessness 39 / 100She has an insatiable love for music. unchanging irreconcilable unsatisfiable undesirable 40 / 100SHIVER Tremble Rock Feel Move 41 / 100The great dancer impressed the appreciative crowd by his nimble movements. subtle quickening lively clear 42 / 100CORRESPONDENCE Agreements Documents Letters Contracts 43 / 100MENDACIOUS False Full of Confidence Provocative Encouraging 44 / 100I wrote to him as lately as last week. immediately recently late early 45 / 100DEBACLE Collapse Disgrace Decline Defeat 46 / 100The story is too fantastic to be credible. praiseworthy false believable readable 47 / 100The bullet wound proved to be fatal and the soldier died immediately. deadly serious dangerous grievous 48 / 100The inspector was a vigilant young man. watchful smart intelligent ambitious 49 / 100REFECTORY Parlour Dining Room Restaurant Living Room 50 / 100No one will invite her to a tea party for she is so garrulous. laughs a lot repeats gossip giggles all the time talks a lot 51 / 100VIGOUR Strength Warmth Boldness Enthusiasm 52 / 100INFAMY Dishonour Integrity Glory Reputation 53 / 100We should always try to maintain and promote communal amity. bondage contention friendship understanding 54 / 100WARY Distorted vigilant Sad Tired 55 / 100KEN Trial Ignorance Witness Knowledge 56 / 100It took him a long time to come round after the operation. walk eat recover move 57 / 100Traffic being what it is, it is lamentable that our roads are unable to take the load. deplorable unpardonable inexcusable terrible 58 / 100Only those who are gullible take every advertisement seriously. enthusiastic fallible unrealistic unsuspecting 59 / 100MASTERLY Skilful Crafty Cruel Meaningful 60 / 100REPERCUSSION Reaction Recollection Clever Remuneration 61 / 100The prisoner has been languishing in the jail for the last many years. suffering convicted avoiding attempting 62 / 100AWAKENED Waken Shook Enlightened Realised 63 / 100SCINTILLATING Touching Warming Glittering Smouldering 64 / 100CANTANKEROUS Rash Noisy Disrespectful Quarrelsome 65 / 100His visit to foreign countries brought about a sea-change in his outlook and his attitude to people. partial change complete change unfavourable change favourable change 66 / 100He has a propensity for getting into debt. characteristic aptitude quality tendency 67 / 100COMBAT Quarrel Fight Feud Conflict 68 / 100Catching snakes can be hazardous for people untrained in the art. harmful tricky difficult dangerous 69 / 100COMMENSURATE Begining Measurable Appropriate Proportionate 70 / 100It is very difficult to retain all that you hear in the class. preserve conserve recall keep 71 / 100A rupture in the relationship of two brothers is quite apparent. gap breach break damage 72 / 100he soldier displayed exceptional courage and saved Major from the enemy's hand. avoidable strange abnormal unusual 73 / 100Silence is mandatory for meditation to be effective. optional permissive voluntary compulsory 74 / 100They were totally unaware of the impending disaster. terrible threatening imminent possible 75 / 100IMPROMPTU Effective Offhand Unimportant Unreal 76 / 100CONNOISSEUR Delinquent Interpreter Gourmet Ignorant 77 / 100GERMANE Possible Responsible Relevant Logical 78 / 100PRECARIOUS Cautious Brittle Perilous Critical 79 / 100RANT Treatment Fulminate Praise Formalise 80 / 100The International Community may begin to doubt the credentials of the largest democracy in the world. principles trustworthiness capacity unreliable
Practice Test 16 November 9, 2023 No Comments /10 English_ SynonymsPractice Test 16 1 / 10CEASE: Create Stop Begin Dull 2 / 10MASSIVE: Little Gaping Strong Lump sum 3 / 10PIOUS: Sympathetic Religious Afraid Faithful 4 / 10STUMBLING BLOCK: Advantage Frustration Argument Hurdle 5 / 10ABANDON : Keep Cherish Forsake Enlarge 6 / 10FOSTERING : Neglecting Nurturing Ignoring Safeguarding 7 / 10PROPEL: Burst Acclimatize Jettison Drive 8 / 10GERMINATE : Produce Breed Decay Sprout 9 / 10CANCEL: Abolish Allow Approve Break 10 / 10DEFER : Differ Defy Postpone Indifferent For more Quiz updates ! Give you Name & Contact info. Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart quiz Read More
Practice Test 15 November 9, 2023 No Comments /100 English_ SynonymsPractice Test 15 1 / 100FOMENT : Isolation Abrasion Provoke Extirpate 2 / 100EXPONENT : Meddler Horrid Cancel Advocate 3 / 100YOB: Aggressive Annoyed Intelligent Humble 4 / 100SEE : Stand Talk Look Observe 5 / 100INEXPLICABLE Unaccountable Chaotic Unconnected Confusing 6 / 100DIVERSION Bylane Amusement Deviation Arrival 7 / 100INSTALLED : Started Prepared Settled Manufactured 8 / 100GOAD : Save Irritate Soothe Worship 9 / 100Diversion : Deviation Distortion Change Amusement 10 / 100AUGUST Common Petty Ridiculous Dignified 11 / 100ABJECT Deny Disobey Challenge Miserable 12 / 100NEUTRAL Indifferent Undecided Unbiased Non-aligned 13 / 100INDICT Condemn Accuse Reprimand Allege 14 / 100GRAPHIC : Instructive Moving Obvious Timid 15 / 100ALACRITY : Alarm Frankness Briskness Fear 16 / 100PACIFY : Allot Gather Calm Remit 17 / 100LAMENT Condone Complain Comment Console 18 / 100MOVING Taking Shifting Toying Turning 19 / 100FICTION : Imaginary Tamed Novel Wildness 20 / 100DUPLICITY : Cleverness Deceit Artlessness Repetition 21 / 100RESTRAINT Hindrance Obstacle Repression Restriction 22 / 100TIMID Medium Shy Slow Fast 23 / 100PROHIBIT : Prescribe Forfeit Provide Forbid 24 / 100IRONIC Bitter Sarcastic Good-natured Inflexible 25 / 100PASS : Elongated Qualify Cross Die 26 / 100ATTEMPT Explore Serve Try Explain 27 / 100CORPULENT Obese Emaciated Gaunt Lean 28 / 100CONSEQUENCES Results Difficulties Applications Conclusions 29 / 100IMPROVEMENT Betterment Preference Promotion Advancement 30 / 100BROWSE Heal Examine Deceive Strike 31 / 100BRIEF Short Small Limited Little 32 / 100HAGGLE: Accept Reject Postpone Bargain 33 / 100REPEAL Pass Perpetuate Sanction Cancel 34 / 100PIOUS Devout Pure Pretentious Clean 35 / 100EMBEZZLE Misappropriate Balance Clear Remunerate 36 / 100DILIGENT Brilliant Progressive Inventive Hard-working 37 / 100SECURITY : Safety Confidence Fearlessness Boldness 38 / 100WRETCHED: Strained Foolish Insane Poor 39 / 100ESSENTIAL : Desirable Advisable Unavoidable Beneficial 40 / 100ADVERSITY Misfortune Crisis Failure Helplessness 41 / 100RESCUE Command Save Help Defence 42 / 100ECSTATIC Animated Willful Enraptured Bewildered 43 / 100REDRESSED : Restored Redone Equalised Addressed 44 / 100CONTENTMENT : Craving Craftiness Satisfaction Idleness 45 / 100VENT End Stodge Past Opening 46 / 100RECKLESS Rash Courageous Daring Bold 47 / 100ALERT Intelligent Watchful Observant Energetic 48 / 100COMPASSION : Similarity Kindness Contrast Cruelty 49 / 100FORAY Contest Intuition Ranger Maraud 50 / 100BITTERNESS : Hoarseness Acrimony Aspersion Sourness 51 / 100STUPID : Obstinate Illiterate Rude Dull 52 / 100CONTAIN : Hold Express Prevent Limit 53 / 100ANNIHILATE : Entrain Destroy testify Forward 54 / 100DELECTABLE: Delicious Enjoyable Sumptuous Nobel 55 / 100BARE Tolerate Uncovered Neat Clear 56 / 100FAKE Original Loyal Trustworthy Imitation 57 / 100HARBINGER Messenger Forerunner Pilot Steward 58 / 100IMPERCEPTIBLE : Subtle Mean Obvious Humble 59 / 100FEEBLE Sick Weak Arrogant Vain 60 / 100STERILE : Childless Dry Barren None of these 61 / 100RECUPERATE : Recover Rehabilitate Relocate Reimburse 62 / 100SALACITY Recession Bliss Indecency Depression 63 / 100BUSY : Preoccupied Occupied Active Diligent 64 / 100AUGURY: Future Astronomy Intention Prophecy 65 / 100FORTITUDE : Protection Courage Similarity Safety 66 / 100TRANSIENT Fanciful Transparent Fleeting Feeble 67 / 100INEBRIATE Stupefied Unsteady Dreamy Drunken 68 / 100EVENTUALLY : Suddenly Quickly Abruptly Ultimately 69 / 100Synopsis : Mixture Summary Puzzle Index 70 / 100VANGUARD : Race driver Pioneer Officer Flag bearer 71 / 100INADVERTENT : Unexpected Undisturbed Unintentional Ignorant 72 / 100AWAKENED : Briefed Shook Enlightened Realized 73 / 100PALTRY : Average Insignificant Slovenly Unfair 74 / 100CANDID Bright Explicit Frank Apparent 75 / 100DEIFY Flatter Face Worship Challenge 76 / 100FUGITIVE : Weak Enduring Escaping Vain 77 / 100INFREQUENT Rare Usual Sometimes Never 78 / 100VENUE Agenda Place Duration Time 79 / 100DILIGENT : Disappointment Unhappy Fool Hardworking 80 / 100SHOWY : Rowdy Greedy Gaudy Hungry 81 / 100ALTERCATION : Distribution Choice Charge Heated dispute 82 / 100DISTANT Separate Far Removed Reserved 83 / 100HESITATED Paused Slowed Stopped Postponed 84 / 100CATER : Advance Discover Provide Develop 85 / 100UTILITY : Usefulness Advantage Profitability Benefit 86 / 100ADMONISH Reprimand Dismiss Curse Punish 87 / 100SHALLOW Artificial Superficial Worthless Foolish 88 / 100DIELECTRIC : Nonconductor Constructive Destructive Instructive 89 / 100ABSTRUSE: Awful Profound Irrelevant Shallow 90 / 100PREDOMINANT : Lovable Important Assurance Vague 91 / 100CANNY Clever Stout Obstinate Handsome 92 / 100STERILE Childless Dry Fertile Barren 93 / 100INSOLVENT Bankrupt Broke Penniless Poor 94 / 100LIBERAL : Visionary Generous Imaginative Broad-minded 95 / 100MELD Purchase Glisten Merge Soothe 96 / 100FIDELITY : Weakness Resourcefulness Faithfulness Strength 97 / 100TURN : Curve Rotate Move Shift 98 / 100WARRIOR Spy Pirate Soldier Sailor 99 / 100EXTRICATE Pull Free Complicate Tie 100 / 100DISPARAGE : Scatter Discriminate Waste Belittle For more Quiz updates ! Give you Name & Contact info. Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter 0% Restart quiz Read More
Practice Test 14 November 9, 2023 No Comments /100 English_ SynonymsPractice Test 14 1 / 100UNITE Combine Unchain Unfold Unhinge 2 / 100LAUD Eulogy Extolled Praise Lord 3 / 100DESTITUTION Humility Poverty Moderation Wealthy 4 / 100The tablet alleviated the pain, and the patient was soon feeling much better. moderated removed mitigated lightened 5 / 100In spite of their efforts, the team of scientists could not make much headway to solve the problem. thinking progress efforts start 6 / 100RABBLE Noise Roar Rubbish Mob 7 / 100GARRULITY Credulity Speciousness Loquaciousness Senility 8 / 100TACITURNITY Changeableness Reserve Dumbness Hesitation 9 / 100MAYHEM Excitement Defeat Havoc Jubilation 10 / 100ABUNDANT Absent Cheap Plenty Ripe 11 / 100ASCEND Grow Mount Leap Deviate 12 / 100Public figures should not indulge in mud-slinging. caricatures quarrelling slander mockery 13 / 100The thief outwitted the constable on some pretext and disappeared on the way to the police station. outmanoeuvred cheated prudent defeated 14 / 100The recent acts of vandalism in the country cannot be ignored. provocation violence ravage disturbance 15 / 100The notice said that the meeting would begin precisely at 9.30 AM. exactly inaccurately approximately concisely 16 / 100ERROR Misadventure Misgiving Blunder Ambiguity 17 / 100Whatever opinion he give is sane. arrogant obscure wild rational 18 / 100Many species of animals have become extinct during the last hundred years. aggressive non-existent feeble scattered 19 / 100VORACIOUS Quick Greedy Angry Wild 20 / 100ENTIRE Whole Half Part Quarter 21 / 100I don't like alien fashions. foreign extraneous exotic unusual 22 / 100GARNISH Garner Abuse Paint Adorn 23 / 100As the driver was inebriated he could not control the car. befuddled intoxicated inexperienced tired 24 / 100After the dismal performance of the team in the series concluded yesterday, the captain offered his resignation to the president of the club. poor sorrowful short miserly 25 / 100INTIMIDATE Hint Bluff Harass Frighten 26 / 100TEPID Warm Cold Boiling Hot 27 / 100Even today many people are guided by abstruse moral values. dangerous irrational obscure impracticable 28 / 100The pioneers left a blazing trial of courage, manliness and chivalry. explorers inventors settlers colonialist 29 / 100LYNCH Madden Shoot Kill Hang 30 / 100The visitor had a bohemian look. unfriendly unconventional sinister hostile 31 / 100GRATIFY Indulge Appreciate Frank Pacify 32 / 100ZANY Thief Pet Clown Magician 33 / 100That young is quite sanguine about the result of his competitive examination. depressed anxious pessimistic optimistic 34 / 100Instead of putting up a united front against on common enemy, the medieval states frittered away their energy in internecine warfare. baneful pernicious detrimental destructive 35 / 100On scrutiny the police officer found out that the documents provided by the landlord were totally fabricated. forged genuine prepared historical 36 / 100INSOMNIA Sleeplessness Lethargy Drunkenness Unconsciousness 37 / 100PONDER Increase Think Anticipate Evaluate 38 / 100The accident occurred due to his lapse. haste error ignorance carelessness 39 / 100She has an insatiable love for music. unchanging irreconcilable unsatisfiable undesirable 40 / 100SHIVER Tremble Rock Feel Move 41 / 100The great dancer impressed the appreciative crowd by his nimble movements. subtle quickening lively clear 42 / 100CORRESPONDENCE Agreements Documents Letters Contracts 43 / 100MENDACIOUS False Full of Confidence Provocative Encouraging 44 / 100I wrote to him as lately as last week. immediately recently late early 45 / 100DEBACLE Collapse Disgrace Decline Defeat 46 / 100The story is too fantastic to be credible. praiseworthy false believable readable 47 / 100The bullet wound proved to be fatal and the soldier died immediately. deadly serious dangerous grievous 48 / 100The inspector was a vigilant young man. watchful smart intelligent ambitious 49 / 100REFECTORY Parlour Dining Room Restaurant Living Room 50 / 100No one will invite her to a tea party for she is so garrulous. laughs a lot repeats gossip giggles all the time talks a lot 51 / 100VIGOUR Strength Warmth Boldness Enthusiasm 52 / 100INFAMY Dishonour Integrity Glory Reputation 53 / 100We should always try to maintain and promote communal amity. bondage contention friendship understanding 54 / 100WARY Distorted vigilant Sad Tired 55 / 100KEN Trial Ignorance Witness Knowledge 56 / 100It took him a long time to come round after the operation. walk eat recover move 57 / 100Traffic being what it is, it is lamentable that our roads are unable to take the load. deplorable unpardonable inexcusable terrible 58 / 100Only those who are gullible take every advertisement seriously. enthusiastic fallible unrealistic unsuspecting 59 / 100MASTERLY Skilful Crafty Cruel Meaningful 60 / 100REPERCUSSION Reaction Recollection Clever Remuneration 61 / 100The prisoner has been languishing in the jail for the last many years. suffering convicted avoiding attempting 62 / 100AWAKENED Waken Shook Enlightened Realised 63 / 100SCINTILLATING Touching Warming Glittering Smouldering 64 / 100CANTANKEROUS Rash Noisy Disrespectful Quarrelsome 65 / 100His visit to foreign countries brought about a sea-change in his outlook and his attitude to people. partial change complete change unfavourable change favourable change 66 / 100He has a propensity for getting into debt. characteristic aptitude quality tendency 67 / 100COMBAT Quarrel Fight Feud Conflict 68 / 100Catching snakes can be hazardous for people untrained in the art. harmful tricky difficult dangerous 69 / 100COMMENSURATE Begining Measurable Appropriate Proportionate 70 / 100It is very difficult to retain all that you hear in the class. preserve conserve recall keep 71 / 100A rupture in the relationship of two brothers is quite apparent. gap breach break damage 72 / 100he soldier displayed exceptional courage and saved Major from the enemy's hand. avoidable strange abnormal unusual 73 / 100Silence is mandatory for meditation to be effective. optional permissive voluntary compulsory 74 / 100They were totally unaware of the impending disaster. terrible threatening imminent possible 75 / 100IMPROMPTU Effective Offhand Unimportant Unreal 76 / 100CONNOISSEUR Delinquent Interpreter Gourmet Ignorant 77 / 100GERMANE Possible Responsible Relevant Logical 78 / 100PRECARIOUS Cautious Brittle Perilous Critical 79 / 100RANT Treatment Fulminate Praise Formalise 80 / 100The International Community may begin to doubt the credentials of the largest democracy in the world. principles trustworthiness capacity unreliable