
Constitution of India

Practice Test 12

1 / 100

Which Article of the Constitution provides that “Subject to the provisions of any law made by Parliament or any rules made under Article 145, the Supreme Court shall have the power to review any judgment pronounced or order made by it”?

2 / 100

Which of the following writs literally means you may have the body?

3 / 100

Which one of the following is not an essential condition for appointment as a judge of the Supreme Court?

4 / 100

An unlawful compulsory labour is deemed to be a practice of “untochability” when any person compels other person to do:

5 / 100

Every person who is arrested or detained is required to be produced before the nearest Magistrate within a period of

6 / 100

Which of the following Articles of the Constitution gives the Governor the power to grant pardon in certain cases

7 / 100

Match the following:

Amendment Act
Relevant ruling

a. 17th Amendment
1. Golak Nath v. State of Punjab

b. 25th Amendment
2. Keshavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala

c. 32nd Amendment
3. Kihota v. Zachilhu

d. 52nd Amendment
4. Sambamurti v. Union of India

8 / 100

If there is any appearance of inconsistency between the schedule and specific provision, which will prevail ?

9 / 100

The Council of Ministers remains in office as long as it enjoys the confidence of

10 / 100

What is the correct chronological order in which the following provisions were incorporated into the Constitution of India through amendments?
1. Directive Principles on Free Legal Aid
2. Proviso to Article 335
3. Twelfth Schedule
4. Article 51A(k)
Select the correct answer:

11 / 100

English is the official language of which of the following states?

12 / 100

Match the following:

List I
List II

a. Indra Sawhney v. Union of India
1. Doctrine of legitimate Expectation

b. Keshvananda Bharathi v. State of Kerala
2. Validity of Narco Analysis

c. Arona Ramachandra Shanbaug v. Union of India
3. Doctrine of Basic Structure

d. Selvi v. State of Karnataka
4. MandaI commission case

5. Passive Euthanasia

13 / 100

In which case the Supreme Court ruled that the defence of “sovereign immunity” is alien to the concept of guarantee of fundamental rights?

14 / 100

The preamble to the Constitution of India was first amended vide

15 / 100

Preamble is the part of the Constitution. This observation of Supreme Court was held in the case of:

16 / 100

Which provision of the Constitution of India, 1950 deals with legislative powers of the President?

17 / 100

Seats in Lok Sabha are not reserved for

18 / 100

In which case the Supreme Court has held that the fundamental right may be amended but the basic structure or framework of the Constitution cannot be amended?

19 / 100

The decision in Kihoto Hollohan v. Zachillhu, is an example of the application of the doctrine of:

20 / 100

Match List I (The Principles evolved by the Judiciary) with List II (Decisions of the Judiciary) and select the correct answer:

List I (The Principles evolved by the Judiciary)
List II (Decisions of the Judiciary)

a. Protection of ecology and environmental pollution
1. M. C. Mehta v. Union of India

b. Speedy trial
2. Hussainara Khatoon v. State of Bihar

c. Freedom of religion
3. Stainislaus v. State of Madhya Pradesh

d. Safeguard against arbitrary arrest and detention
4. Kartar Singh v. State of Punjab

21 / 100

The solemn resolution in the Preamble of our Constitution is made in the name of

22 / 100

Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer:

List I
List II

a. India, that is a Bharat is a Union of States
1. Preamble

b. Liberty of Thought, Expression and Worship
2. Right to Freedom

c. Freedom of Speech and Expression
3. Union and its Territory

d. Protection of Interest of minorities
4. Cultural and Educational Rights

23 / 100

While deciding cases of terrorists, which procedure is to be followed?

24 / 100

The term ‘State’ as mentioned in Article 12 of the Constitution of India includes:

25 / 100

Which of the following has been described by Justice Gajendragadkar as the “very foundation and comer stone of the democratic way of life ushered in this country by the Constitution”?

26 / 100

The Election Commission holds election for

27 / 100

The question of disqualification of Speaker of the House of the People on the ground of defection is decided by:

28 / 100

Article of Constitution of India relate to Uniform Civil Code for citizens-

29 / 100

Which Article of the Constitution empowers the Parliament to form a new state by altering the boundaries of existing states?

30 / 100

The guiding principle of Article 14 is that all persons and things similarly circumstanced shall be treated alike both in respect of privileges conferred and liabilities imposed’, was held in

31 / 100

The vesting of power of exclusion of judicial review in a legislative including State Legislature, strikes at the basic structure of the Constitution and thus goes beyond the permissible limit of what constitutes amendment under Article 368, held is

32 / 100

Which of the following retired judge was appointed as the arbitrator in the Vodafone case by the Government?

33 / 100

In matters related to amendment of the Constitution, the Rajya Sabha-

34 / 100

The doctrine of prospective overruling was first evolved by Chief Justice Subba Rao in

35 / 100

The power to transfer proceeding from one Appellate Authority or Rent Controller to another is conferred upon

36 / 100

The Directive Principles of State Policy have been borrowed from the Constitution of-

37 / 100

Article 19(1)(d) provides right to move freely throughout the territory of India. This right is

38 / 100

An ordinance promulgated by the President of India, in exercise of his legislative power, shall cease to operate or to have effect or to be same force as an Act of Parliament

39 / 100

Article 31 of Constitution of India dealing with right to property was repealed by which constitutional amendment?

40 / 100

Only that person is qualified to be the Governor of the State who is citizen of India and

41 / 100

The High Court having the jurisdiction in judicial matters relating to the largest number of States/Union territories is

42 / 100

Vishakha case is related to

43 / 100

In educational institutions reservation of seats in favour of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes is governed by-

44 / 100

“Law” under Article 13(3)(a) of the Constitution includes
1. Ordinance, Order, notification
2. Bye-law, rule, regulation
3. Custom or usage having in the territory of India the force of law.
Select the correct answer:

45 / 100

Committee in Public Undertakings has members from

46 / 100

The total number of Ministers, including the Prime Minister, in the Council of Ministers should not exceed:

47 / 100

Assertion (A): A Governor is always supposed to act on the advice of the Council of Ministers in matter of appointment of the Chief Minister.
Reason (R): Like Article 74(1), Article 163(1)of the Constitution of India make it mandatory for the Governor to act in accordance with the advice tendered by the Council of Ministers.
Choose the correct option from below:

48 / 100

Right to Free Legal Aid was recognised as a Fundamental Right under Act 21 of Indian Constitution in the case of-

49 / 100

Consider the following:
By notification issued by the Central Government, seats were directed to be reserved in Central Government’s educational institutions for various category of candidates thus: Scheduled Castes – 15%, Scheduled Tribes – 7.5%, OBC – 27%, Physically challenged persons – 3%, Sports – 5% and Children and wards of armed forces personnel – 5%.
In relation to the above which one of the following statements is correct?

50 / 100

Which article of the Constitution of India lays down that the Union of India and the States can sue and be sued?

51 / 100

The Right to Property was dropped from the List of Fundamental Rights by the

52 / 100

National Integration Council reflects the . . . . . . . . nature of the Indian Federal system

53 / 100

Though there is no fundamental right to pollution free environment, the judiciary read right to pollution free environment more specifically into a particular fundamental right. In which Article this fundamental right is?

54 / 100

The constitution defines and determines the relation between

55 / 100

It has been said in many cases viz., Devdasan v. UOI, that Article 16 should be read with

56 / 100

A member of the state Public Service Commission can be removed on the ground of misbehaviour only after an inquiry has been held by:

57 / 100

The oath is administered to the President of India by:

58 / 100

In which one of the following cases did the Supreme Court rule that the principle of sovereign immunity will not apply to a proceeding for award of compensation for violation of fundamental rights?

59 / 100

Which one of the following is not correct with regard to transfer of cases from the High Courts?

60 / 100

In Indira Gandhi v. Raj Narain (1975), the Supreme Court held that 39th Amendment is unconstitutional on the ground that

61 / 100

Which one of the following is the correct statement? Parliament may by law, provide for the appointment of a Joint State Public Service Commission to serve the needs of two or more States

62 / 100

Every judge of the Supreme Court including the Chief Justice, unless resigned or removed earlier holds office till he attains the age of

63 / 100

The Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and Their Rehabilitation Act, 2013 is to ensure

64 / 100

The Doctrine of Separation of Powers in its strict and technical sense is applied in

65 / 100

Public health, sanitation conservancy and solid waste management’ is inserted to the Schedule of the Constitution by which of the following Constitutional Amendments?

66 / 100

The plan of Stafford crips envisaged that after the second world war

67 / 100

The Act comes into the force on the day

68 / 100

Which one of the following sources of law has the basis under Article 141 of the Constitution of India?

69 / 100

Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched

70 / 100

Who is not a citizen by domicile?

71 / 100

The current sanctioned strength of the Judges (including the Chief Justice) of the Supreme Court of India is

72 / 100

Government of India Act 1909 is known as

73 / 100

Seats are allocated to the various States in Lok Sabha on the basis of:

74 / 100

Which Article of the Constitution provide the Parliament the power to amend the Constitution?

75 / 100

The Supreme Court of India shall be a court of record and shall have all the powers of such a court including the power to punish for contempt of itself; provides under

76 / 100

Representation of House of People is based on

77 / 100

Select the most appropriate:
Article 14 of the Constitution of India provides all persons:

78 / 100

No person shall be deprived of his property save by authority of law. It is:

79 / 100

Part XIII of the Indian Constitution dealing with trade commerce and intercourse appears to drive inspiration from:

80 / 100

In the Preamble of the Constitution equality of status and opportunity refers to

81 / 100

In which year was the first amendment to the Constitution effected?

82 / 100

Which section of Preventive Detention Act 1950 was declared ultra vires by the Supreme Court in case of A. K. Gopalan v. State of Madras

83 / 100

The following are enshrined in the Preamble to the Constitution of India:
1. Equality of status and opportunity
2. Liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship
3. Justice-social, economic and political
4. Fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual
5. Unity and integrity of the Nation
Which one of the following is the correct order in which they appear in the preamble?

84 / 100

Which among the following type of authority is given to the President of India?

85 / 100

Which one of the following amendments accorded precedence to Directive Principles over Fundamental Rights

86 / 100

Which one of the following has been wrongly listed among the special powers of the Rajya Sabha?

87 / 100

By which Amendment Act, the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court or any other court has been excluded in regard to any dispute arising out of any provision of the Article 312A?

88 / 100

The right to equality prevents the State from

89 / 100

Which of the following is correct about reservation in public employment?

90 / 100

Match the following:

List I
List II

a. Pith and Substance
1. Keshvananda Bharti v. State of Kerala

b. Basic structure of the Constitution
2. Bhikaji Narain v. State of MP

c. Doctrine of Eclipse
3. State of Rajasthan v. G. Chawla

d. Rule of severability
4. State of Bombay v. FN Balsara

91 / 100

Consider the following statements.
1. An Ordinance can be Promulgated by the President of India when the House of the People is dissolved.
2. An Ordinance can be promulgated by the Governor to impose reasonable restrictions on the freedoms guaranteed under Article 19 of the Constitution.
3. An Ordinance remains operative for the same period as an Act of Parliament.
4. The same Ordinance can be promulgated more than once if the circumstances so require.
Which of the statements given above are correct?

92 / 100

The jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India is

93 / 100

Doctrine of self-incrimination enacted in Article 20(3) means

94 / 100

Which one of the following is correct? The result of obtaining the assent of the President to a State law which is inconsistent with a Union law relating to a subject in the concurrent list would be that:

95 / 100

In the event of the resignation or death of the Prime Minister

96 / 100

Fundamental duties have been inserted in the Constitution by

97 / 100

Which of the following is not one of the qualifications for election of a person as President of India?

98 / 100

A State bans for two months the holding of any religious congregation in public places on the ground that there is high risk of spread of infectious disease swine flu. Is the ban valid?

99 / 100

Match List I with List II and select the correct answer:

List I
List II

a. Judicial review
1. Indira Gandhi vs. Raj Narain

b. Free and fair Elections
2. Kesavananda Bharti vs. State of Kerala

c. Balance between Part III and Part IV
3. S. R. Bommai vs. Union of India

d. Secularism
4. Minerva Mills Ltd., vs. Union of India

100 / 100

Who among the following holds his/her office at the pleasure of the President

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