
Constitution of India

Practice Test 26

1 / 100

Give correct response to

2 / 100

The word “procedure established by law” in the constitution of India have been borrowed from

3 / 100

Which of the following is called a revising chamber?

4 / 100

“There are many subtle distinctions in the vernacular of British Constitution but not more vital than the distinction between the King and the Crown.” Whose statement is this?

5 / 100

Where any Central Act is not expressed to come into operation on a particular day, then it shall come into operation on the day on which

6 / 100

Which of the following writs can be issued against a private individual?

7 / 100

Which one of the following doctrine relates to the interpretation of the legislative conflicts between the Union and the States?

8 / 100

Article 43A which deals with the participation of workers in management of industries was added in constitution by-

9 / 100

S. R. Bommai v. Union of India, JT 1994 (2) SC 215 is related to

10 / 100

The right of a person to be appointed as a guardian of his minor children under the personal law is not a fundamental right was decided by the Supreme Court in one of the following cases:

11 / 100

Which Directive Principle has been elevated to the status of a Fundamental Right by the insertion of Article 21A in the Constitution, in 2002?

12 / 100

Any charge for impeachment of the President may be preferred

13 / 100

Council of Ministers can be suspended during session

14 / 100

The President’s Rule under Article 356 remains valid in the State for the maximum period of

15 / 100

What is the tenure of Chief Election Commissioner of India?

16 / 100

In which one of the following matters the Supreme Court cannot issue directions to the Governments?

17 / 100

“The British Constitution is the mother of Constitutions. The British Parliament is the mother of Parliaments.”
Whose statement is this?

18 / 100

Article 20(3) states that no person accused of an offence shall be compelled to be a witness against himself. This applies in the case of . . . . . . . .

19 / 100

Under Article 15 of the Constitution, the State shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds:

20 / 100

The Chief Justice of India who passed away while in office was:

21 / 100

In which one of the following cases, the Supreme Court upheld the Constitutional validity of National Awards like Bharat Ratna holding that these awards do not amount to ‘titles’ within the meaning of Article 18 of the Constitution of India?

22 / 100

Which of the following words is not a part of the Preamble to the Constitution of India?

23 / 100

Which of the following provisions of the constitution did not come into force on 26th November, 1949?

24 / 100

On which date the Supreme Court upheld the OBC quota in Central Educational Institutions clearing the way for reservation of 27% seats for Backward Classes

25 / 100

Constitution of India: Where a law is made by a state legislature on the subject enumerated in the concurrent list, with the assent of the President, repugnant to the earlier law made by parliament, then the law so made by the state-

26 / 100

The Directive Principles of state policy are fundamental for the:

27 / 100

In order to remove a judge of the Supreme Court, the President is, required by the Indian Constitution to receive an address by each House of Parliiament supported by a majority of the total membership of that house, and by a prescribed majority of members of that House present and voting. The prescribed majority is:

28 / 100

By which Amendment Act of the Constitution, right to education was made a Fundamental Right?

29 / 100

If any question arises as to whether a member of either House of Parliament has become subject to any of the disqualifications mentioned in Clause (I) of Article 102 of the Constitution, the question shall be referred for the decision of the . . . . . . . . and his decision shall be final

30 / 100

Delhi Domestic Working Women Forum v. Union of India, (1995) 1 SC 14, In this PIL which issue was exposed before the court

31 / 100

Dyarchy was introduced at the Centre by the Act of

32 / 100

The Supreme Court may refuse to entertain a petition presented to it under Article 32 of the Constitution for the enforcement of a fundamental right on the ground that:

33 / 100

Article 19(4) empowers the State to impose reasonable restrictions on the right of freedom of association and union in the interest of

34 / 100

When a writ is issued to a public authority in respectof any type of administrative, legislative, Quasijudicial or judicial functions, it is called a writ of:

35 / 100

A Judge of High Court may by writing under his hand, resign his office. To whom such resignation should be addressed?

36 / 100

By which Constitutional amendment was the voting age brought down from 21 to 18?

37 / 100

Provisions as to the administration of tribal areas in the State of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram is in which schedule of Constitution of India.

38 / 100

In the Sixth schedule of the Indian Constitution, provisions with regard to administration of tribal areas of some states have been made. Which of the following states is not included therein-

39 / 100

Which of the following provisions requires only simple majority for amendment
1. Admission or establishment of new States, formation of new States and alteration of areas
2. Creation or abolition of legislative councils in the States
3. Administration and control of Scheduled Areas
4. Administration of tribal areas of Assam, Meghalaya and Mizoram

40 / 100

Under Article 368 of the Constitution of the India a Constitution Amendment Bill is passed by the Parliament by:

41 / 100

The Council of Ministers are selected by the

42 / 100

The case of Markandey Katju v. Lok Sabha, (2017) 2 SCC 384 is related to:

43 / 100

The Supreme Court of India formulated the doctrine of eclipse in

44 / 100

The person associated with PIL is

45 / 100

The President’s resignation has to be addressed to the Vice-President who shall forthwith communicate the same to the

46 / 100

Which Article of Indian Constitution declare the Supreme Court, a court of record?

47 / 100

The judges of the Supreme Court of India can be removed from office in accordance with:

48 / 100

In the landmark judgment of Shreya Singhal v. Union of India, (2015) 5 SCC 1, Hon’ble Apex Court has observed that:

49 / 100

The Indian federal system is largely based on the pattern of

50 / 100

The Indian Constitution is dedicated to

51 / 100

A resolution ratifying the proclamation of National Emergency requires to be passed

52 / 100

Which of the following is true:
1. A Bill pending in Rajya Sabha which has not been passed by Lok Sabha lapses on the dissolution of Lok Sabha
2. If the President has notified about his intention to summon a joint sitting on a Bill, the Bill does not lapse even if the Lok Sabha is dissolved after the notification

53 / 100

Who appoints the members of Finance Commission?

54 / 100

Right to life does not include Right to die was held in the case of:

55 / 100

The present strength of the Judges of the Supreme Court was fixed by

56 / 100

What is the maximum strength of the Judges of Supreme Court (including Chief Justice of India)?

57 / 100

A law making classification on the basis of the place of residence is

58 / 100

Article 368 of the Constitution provides

59 / 100

The list dividing powers between union and states are given in the . . . . . . . . schedule

60 / 100

Right to Life’ under Article 21 of the Constitution does not include ‘right to die’ has been held by Supreme Court in

61 / 100

The minimum number of judges required for the purpose of hearing any reference by President of India is

62 / 100

Provision for the protection and improvement of environment and safeguarding of forests and wild life has been provided in:

63 / 100

The power of Judicial Review in India is possessed by

64 / 100

Who has got the power to dissolve the Rajaya Sabha?

65 / 100

Quo warranto is

66 / 100

A Judge of the Supreme Court of India may be removed from his office under Article 124(4) of the Constitution by an order of the President of India only on grounds of

67 / 100

The fundamental duties provided in the Constitution are
1. To protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India
2. To safeguard private property
3. To protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life

68 / 100

Which is the appropriate writ to be issued against a person believed to be holding a public office to which he is not entitled?

69 / 100

The provisions for financial emergency have been mentioned in the Constitution of India under

70 / 100

Which of the following is not included in Electoral college for electing president?

71 / 100

The Constitution names our Country as:

72 / 100

The original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court under Article 131 of the Constitution of India is respect of disputes

73 / 100

By which amendment, the words Secular and Socialist were included in the preamble?

74 / 100

The position of the Vice President of India resembles to the position of Vice President of

75 / 100

Which of the following is the correct statement of law?

76 / 100

Independence of judiciary will be at stake if

77 / 100

The term federal is derived from the Latin word ‘foedus’ which means

78 / 100

The Constitution of India vests vast powers in the President. These powers and functions make him

79 / 100

In Nazaria Motors v. State of Andhra Pradesh, (1969) 2 SCC 576 the court held that even if a Bill which has received the assent of President under Article 304(b), the court can examine the validity of such law on grounds whether it is

80 / 100

“Cabinet is the solar orb around which other bodies revolve and that it is a threefold hinge that connects together, for action; the King, the Lords and the Commons.”
Whose statement is this?

81 / 100

1/12th of the members of the Vidhan Parishad are to be elected

82 / 100

Ad hoc Judges of the Supreme Court of India may be appointed under which Article of the Indian Constitution?

83 / 100

The tenure of Gram Panchayat and Nagarpalika shall be for

84 / 100

Who vetoes bills? Choose one:

85 / 100

The Union Public Service Commission was

86 / 100

Which one of the under mentioned right is guaranteed to citizens as right to freedom under Article 19

87 / 100

Article 15 forbids the classification on the basis of sex, caste, religion, race or place of birth. Which is the correct response

88 / 100

The decision of the Supreme Court declared certain portion of Article 31 C as ‘ultra vires’ of the Constitution in which one of the following cases?

89 / 100

Which of the following said that “In any event, whatever system of Government we may establish here must fit in with the temper of the people and be acceptable to them”

90 / 100

“It shall be the duty of every citizen of India, who is a parent or guardian to provide opportunities for education to his children or as the case may be; ward between the age of six and fourteen years.” By which Constitutional Amendment Act, this duty included?

91 / 100

The Vice President of India is elected by

92 / 100

Who presides over the meetings of Lok Sabha in the absence of the Speaker?

93 / 100

Consider the following statements and decide which one of them is not true regarding Attorney-General of India?

94 / 100

The proclamation issued under Article 356, empowers the President

95 / 100

Which of the following is not a Directive Principles

96 / 100

The court may give command by which writ?

97 / 100

Which Article of the Constitution becomes automatically suspended on the proclamation of emergency under Article 352?

98 / 100

Which of the following were relevant considerations for prohibition on sale of liquor along national and state highways in State of Tamil Nadu v. K. Balu, (2017) 2 SCC 281?
1. There is no fundamental right under Article 19(1)(g) to trade in liquor.
2. Under Article 47, the State is under a duty to raise the level of nutrition, standard of living and improve public health.
3. An exception to permit the sale of liquor along a stretch of the highway which passes through the limits of city is arbitrary and violative of Article 14.
4. Right to life under Article 21 signifies a right to live with human dignity, free of noxious substances and intoxicants.
Choose the correct answer from the following:

99 / 100

If both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve, who becomes President? Choose one:

100 / 100

By which of the following Articles of the Constitution, constitutional safeguard has been provided to public servants?

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